You have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire...But you have come to Mount Zion to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God.You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly.
In the OT we see the picture of a scary God, one who the people honor and fear. He appears to them in fire, trembling mountains and earthquakes. But we have Christ, the mediator of a new covenant. We have the church of the firstborn.
We have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Worship God in reverence and awe.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Proverbs 27:2
This is a big year. My oldest daughter, Lil, will graduate from high school.
When I graduated it never occurred to me that my mother was feeling the pains of her youngest moving on. I am sorry for it because maybe I would have included her in what I was doing.
This week I went to Lil's last field hockey game. Forever. I don't know how many games I have attended over the years, 40 or 50? I took it for granted that I would always be watching her, hoping and praying for her to block each goal because I didn't want her to be disappointed.
I have watched her academic success her whole life. She loves to learn. She is nearly over-motivated to perfection in school work. Never an athlete before high school she surprised us all with her love of sports. She has won academic honors every year and more recently added athletic awards to her list.
She doesn't socialize much. Enjoying the comraderie of her team or a class is enough. She never feels the need to hang out with people other than her family outside of these times. I have never understood it, but that is her. She is in some ways an odd duck.
I have learned some very important things from Lil. She doesn't worry about others opinions of her. She feels no need to brag or show off to others about her awards. In fact, she will diminish them if she can. She wont' share a thing that she has accomplished with her unless you drag it out of her. There is no need because she is happy with who she is. She admonishes me for my insecurities and loves me in spite of them.
Tonight I was reading from proverbs 27:2 Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.
It has been a pleasure to watch her grow and follow in this way. I hope to be more like her.
When I graduated it never occurred to me that my mother was feeling the pains of her youngest moving on. I am sorry for it because maybe I would have included her in what I was doing.
This week I went to Lil's last field hockey game. Forever. I don't know how many games I have attended over the years, 40 or 50? I took it for granted that I would always be watching her, hoping and praying for her to block each goal because I didn't want her to be disappointed.
I have watched her academic success her whole life. She loves to learn. She is nearly over-motivated to perfection in school work. Never an athlete before high school she surprised us all with her love of sports. She has won academic honors every year and more recently added athletic awards to her list.
She doesn't socialize much. Enjoying the comraderie of her team or a class is enough. She never feels the need to hang out with people other than her family outside of these times. I have never understood it, but that is her. She is in some ways an odd duck.
I have learned some very important things from Lil. She doesn't worry about others opinions of her. She feels no need to brag or show off to others about her awards. In fact, she will diminish them if she can. She wont' share a thing that she has accomplished with her unless you drag it out of her. There is no need because she is happy with who she is. She admonishes me for my insecurities and loves me in spite of them.
Tonight I was reading from proverbs 27:2 Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.
It has been a pleasure to watch her grow and follow in this way. I hope to be more like her.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Colossians 3:22
Colossians 3:22 Obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. 23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
We all have stuff to do. Our masters may be our husbands or an employer. Our church commitments, our laundry, house cleaning, carpool or whatever. Sometimes we have jobs to do that we don't like but are necessary. Sometimes we love what we do but not the intrusion into our time. Some things are just a bore but must be done.
Long ago, my closet friend and confidant was a friend with 6 kids. We talked or spent time together just about every day. We discussed how many times we had washed the same dishes. Every day, sometimes the same dishes more than once a day, for years and years. It was discouraging for her at times that these unimportant tasks seemed to be the major job in her life. We prayed over this on and off for a long time. We prayed until we could both see this as a service to our Lord. Washing those dishes supplied not just a clean thing to eat on but showed the love and care she felt to her kids. They showed her the love and care of her husband that he provided food for their family. It shows the love and care of our Lord, that he provided her every need. Eventually, we even joked about these dishes as our labor of love, and would sing when we washed dishes.
There are few things I do that I don't love. But I have become tired. I've stopped sleeping well, stopped exercising, stopped caring about a lot of things. Tomorrow I will wake to the day remembering those dishes and sing a song of praise to my Lord that I am up and moving again.
We all have stuff to do. Our masters may be our husbands or an employer. Our church commitments, our laundry, house cleaning, carpool or whatever. Sometimes we have jobs to do that we don't like but are necessary. Sometimes we love what we do but not the intrusion into our time. Some things are just a bore but must be done.
Long ago, my closet friend and confidant was a friend with 6 kids. We talked or spent time together just about every day. We discussed how many times we had washed the same dishes. Every day, sometimes the same dishes more than once a day, for years and years. It was discouraging for her at times that these unimportant tasks seemed to be the major job in her life. We prayed over this on and off for a long time. We prayed until we could both see this as a service to our Lord. Washing those dishes supplied not just a clean thing to eat on but showed the love and care she felt to her kids. They showed her the love and care of her husband that he provided food for their family. It shows the love and care of our Lord, that he provided her every need. Eventually, we even joked about these dishes as our labor of love, and would sing when we washed dishes.
There are few things I do that I don't love. But I have become tired. I've stopped sleeping well, stopped exercising, stopped caring about a lot of things. Tomorrow I will wake to the day remembering those dishes and sing a song of praise to my Lord that I am up and moving again.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
God made you alive in Christ.
Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
Remember to keep your eyes open for the hollow and deceptive philosophies that may come at you. What are these? So many.
I didn't grow up going to any one particular Christian church but since our family moved around we went to wherever my parents were comfortable whether it was Baptist, Congregational, EFree, Christian and missionary Alliance, or non-denominational. In each one there was the unspoken (or spoken) list of right and wrong. Drinking, smoking, Halloween, homeschooling, Christian schools, public school, movies, cards, dancing, hymns, choruses, worship teams, choirs, overheads, hymnals. You name it and there is someone who will make a stand about the right or wrongness, appropriate or inappropriateness, sinful or freedom of many things.
Things I have learned to get over? Jeans at church, choruses (praise music) to name a few. I try to remember to measure each thing against the word of God rather than the words of men. Someday I may even clap in church, who knows.
Remember to keep your eyes open for the hollow and deceptive philosophies that may come at you. What are these? So many.
I didn't grow up going to any one particular Christian church but since our family moved around we went to wherever my parents were comfortable whether it was Baptist, Congregational, EFree, Christian and missionary Alliance, or non-denominational. In each one there was the unspoken (or spoken) list of right and wrong. Drinking, smoking, Halloween, homeschooling, Christian schools, public school, movies, cards, dancing, hymns, choruses, worship teams, choirs, overheads, hymnals. You name it and there is someone who will make a stand about the right or wrongness, appropriate or inappropriateness, sinful or freedom of many things.
Things I have learned to get over? Jeans at church, choruses (praise music) to name a few. I try to remember to measure each thing against the word of God rather than the words of men. Someday I may even clap in church, who knows.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Crazy Days
I had a typical day today. One with 2 steps forward and one step back. I guess that is better than the days when I take 3 steps back.
After class I ran home and ironed some clothes for Lil to wear for her senior pictures. I picked her up from school, took her to get her hair cut and blown out and then to Fitchburg for the portraits. Lil is one of those people that can't be bothered with hair, makeup or clothing. For just one day in her 12 years of schooling I would have enjoyed a little excitement but nope. The one thing she dislikes more than hair, makeup and clothing are pictures. We survived. If throwing shot put or a discus or solving complex math problems had been involved it might have been more fun for her.
Finished and drove back to Littleton just in time for the field hockey game. It was raw and cold today. Yay. They won 9 to 0. Came home in time to help Virginia with her Latin poster, Oh yeah did I mention that I had to deliver the Drama Club poster she had left at home to the high school earlier in the day. Along with her forgotton Latin folder.
Made dinner.
Did I mention that Lil left her ring in Fitchburg at the studio? Ginny ran out of ink in the printer? We ran out of bagels? I am out of gas? One of my acrylic nails mysteriously came off? My new furniture is coming on Friday and I have to get rid of a giant sectional sofa by then? At least I don't have to worry about what to do with my time tomorrow.
After class I ran home and ironed some clothes for Lil to wear for her senior pictures. I picked her up from school, took her to get her hair cut and blown out and then to Fitchburg for the portraits. Lil is one of those people that can't be bothered with hair, makeup or clothing. For just one day in her 12 years of schooling I would have enjoyed a little excitement but nope. The one thing she dislikes more than hair, makeup and clothing are pictures. We survived. If throwing shot put or a discus or solving complex math problems had been involved it might have been more fun for her.
Finished and drove back to Littleton just in time for the field hockey game. It was raw and cold today. Yay. They won 9 to 0. Came home in time to help Virginia with her Latin poster, Oh yeah did I mention that I had to deliver the Drama Club poster she had left at home to the high school earlier in the day. Along with her forgotton Latin folder.
Made dinner.
Did I mention that Lil left her ring in Fitchburg at the studio? Ginny ran out of ink in the printer? We ran out of bagels? I am out of gas? One of my acrylic nails mysteriously came off? My new furniture is coming on Friday and I have to get rid of a giant sectional sofa by then? At least I don't have to worry about what to do with my time tomorrow.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Whatever is true.
Do not gloat when your enemy fails; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice. Proverbs 24:17
I took a class in college called "The Hard Sayings of Jesus". We talked about some of the things in the Bible that sound just too hard to do, impossible to live up to. Thankfully we are not under the law, we are not held to a performance test to attain salvation.
Thank God! No seriously, Thank God that we are free from the law and under grace. Not only is it hard to follow Christ's example it is impossible. The scripture above one of those hard sayings. Who doesn't want to gloat, to feel some satisfaction in the failings of our enemies? Whose heart doesn't rejoice?
At first this scripture made me see my sin. Rejoicing over my enemies failure and then it really hit home. WHAT AM I DOING WITH ENEMIES! I'm just a plain old, middle aged, overweight wife and mother. What kind of enemies do I have?
The easy answer is the litany of names of other moms that are thinner, prettier, respected, smarter, work harder, blah blah blah, it goes on and on. Not my friends of course but those other women, the ones I won't be friends with, the ones I don't even know but have judged from afar.
But taking it even further, my enemy is jealousy. ARgh! Why does it always come down to that one.
I took a class in college called "The Hard Sayings of Jesus". We talked about some of the things in the Bible that sound just too hard to do, impossible to live up to. Thankfully we are not under the law, we are not held to a performance test to attain salvation.
Thank God! No seriously, Thank God that we are free from the law and under grace. Not only is it hard to follow Christ's example it is impossible. The scripture above one of those hard sayings. Who doesn't want to gloat, to feel some satisfaction in the failings of our enemies? Whose heart doesn't rejoice?
At first this scripture made me see my sin. Rejoicing over my enemies failure and then it really hit home. WHAT AM I DOING WITH ENEMIES! I'm just a plain old, middle aged, overweight wife and mother. What kind of enemies do I have?
The easy answer is the litany of names of other moms that are thinner, prettier, respected, smarter, work harder, blah blah blah, it goes on and on. Not my friends of course but those other women, the ones I won't be friends with, the ones I don't even know but have judged from afar.
But taking it even further, my enemy is jealousy. ARgh! Why does it always come down to that one.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Phillipians 1:27
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
I have this problem. My natural personality lends itself to several types of humor. Irony, tongue-in-cheek mockery and supercilious conceit.
I never swear. If just doesn't suit me. You can swear around me if you want. It won't bother me but don't expect me to join in. Once, in 1985, I tried to give someone the finger. It didn't work. I couldn't get my finger to cooperate.
I love to be considered funny, I can keep a room in stitches. I love public speaking as long as humor is appropriate for the event.
Unfortunately, this can also be my biggest area of sin. I can passive aggressively use humor to cover outright insults (although cover is not the right word, I'm sure it is evident to everyone in the room.)
This battle is over my tongue never ends.
BTW: "irony, tongue in cheek mockery and supercilious conceit" was taken from Florence King one of my favorite misanthropes.
I have this problem. My natural personality lends itself to several types of humor. Irony, tongue-in-cheek mockery and supercilious conceit.
I never swear. If just doesn't suit me. You can swear around me if you want. It won't bother me but don't expect me to join in. Once, in 1985, I tried to give someone the finger. It didn't work. I couldn't get my finger to cooperate.
I love to be considered funny, I can keep a room in stitches. I love public speaking as long as humor is appropriate for the event.
Unfortunately, this can also be my biggest area of sin. I can passive aggressively use humor to cover outright insults (although cover is not the right word, I'm sure it is evident to everyone in the room.)
This battle is over my tongue never ends.
BTW: "irony, tongue in cheek mockery and supercilious conceit" was taken from Florence King one of my favorite misanthropes.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
September 29?
I had a crazy day today. I took a 3 hour nap from 2 pm-5pm that is why I am up at 1:30am.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Slacker is back! (hopefully)
After a long hiatus, I hope to be back here posting regularly.
Today I was reading from Ephesians 6:1-24. This is where Paul talks about putting on the armor of God. The passage is well known, I have heard countless sermons on it, sang songs about it but today I actually read it to see myself in the challenge.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Yada Yada Yada. I've read it all before. but then then I read verse 16, "take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
So I went back to the beginning and read it all again.
I am a sinner. I know you are too. Some sins are obvious to everyone, some are secret and known only to you. Some are particular to mothers who are protective of their children, or fathers who want to provide for their families.
This summer I watched my daughter be hurt in a deep and painful way. In the end we have found the good in it but it did spark that evil that lies in my heart. Never letting on to her (because after all I am a good mom), I allowed myself to dwell on things and be angry as if it was me that was hurt. I confessed the sin and pleaded with God to be rid of it. I would pretend I was done with it and excuse myself when it would come back. It was like the flaming arrows of the evil one. Shooting them into my heart, bringing back the hurt, anger and vindictive feelings.
Just last week, I finally felt God's peace. I physically could feel the desire fall from me. I have no explanation but God's grace. Was my heart more true when I prayed? I have no idea but I am so thankful to Him for taking this sin from me. I want to wear this shield of faith and fight off these arrows when they come again in some other area "Hasten O Lord to save me, O Lord come quickly to help me. Psalm 70:1-5
Today I was reading from Ephesians 6:1-24. This is where Paul talks about putting on the armor of God. The passage is well known, I have heard countless sermons on it, sang songs about it but today I actually read it to see myself in the challenge.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Yada Yada Yada. I've read it all before. but then then I read verse 16, "take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
So I went back to the beginning and read it all again.
I am a sinner. I know you are too. Some sins are obvious to everyone, some are secret and known only to you. Some are particular to mothers who are protective of their children, or fathers who want to provide for their families.
This summer I watched my daughter be hurt in a deep and painful way. In the end we have found the good in it but it did spark that evil that lies in my heart. Never letting on to her (because after all I am a good mom), I allowed myself to dwell on things and be angry as if it was me that was hurt. I confessed the sin and pleaded with God to be rid of it. I would pretend I was done with it and excuse myself when it would come back. It was like the flaming arrows of the evil one. Shooting them into my heart, bringing back the hurt, anger and vindictive feelings.
Just last week, I finally felt God's peace. I physically could feel the desire fall from me. I have no explanation but God's grace. Was my heart more true when I prayed? I have no idea but I am so thankful to Him for taking this sin from me. I want to wear this shield of faith and fight off these arrows when they come again in some other area "Hasten O Lord to save me, O Lord come quickly to help me. Psalm 70:1-5
Friday, July 2, 2010
July 2nd 2010
Seriously, I cannot believe that my last post was Easter!
Tons of stuff has happened since then.
Ginny was in a fantastic production of Godspell. She sang beautifully and enjoyed every minute of it. Her first year of high school is behind her and was a success.
Lil has continued to amaze us with her drive and determination to do her best in everything she tries. It is exciting to watch her get ready for college.
Les and I think back to a year ago when I was just learning to walk and getting out of my wheel chair. There have been so many success' and crisis' since then but God has been through them all. WE are thankful for the hard times that give a chance to praise God.
I hope to back here more often
Tons of stuff has happened since then.
Ginny was in a fantastic production of Godspell. She sang beautifully and enjoyed every minute of it. Her first year of high school is behind her and was a success.
Lil has continued to amaze us with her drive and determination to do her best in everything she tries. It is exciting to watch her get ready for college.
Les and I think back to a year ago when I was just learning to walk and getting out of my wheel chair. There have been so many success' and crisis' since then but God has been through them all. WE are thankful for the hard times that give a chance to praise God.
I hope to back here more often
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Maundy Thursday 2010
I really liked this picture my pastor painted of the difference between the covenant God made with the Israelites and the covenant made in the new testament.
The OT covenant was made at mt Sinai when Moses went up to get the 10 commandments. There was wind and thunder and lightening and the people stood at the bottom of the mountain. If they had even touched the foot of the mountain they would have died because of the holiness of God. They had no right to approach.
The NT covenant was made at around a table, wine and bread was served. Jesus bent down at the washed the feet of his beloved.
How blessed are we that God sent his on for us. Amen.
The OT covenant was made at mt Sinai when Moses went up to get the 10 commandments. There was wind and thunder and lightening and the people stood at the bottom of the mountain. If they had even touched the foot of the mountain they would have died because of the holiness of God. They had no right to approach.
The NT covenant was made at around a table, wine and bread was served. Jesus bent down at the washed the feet of his beloved.
How blessed are we that God sent his on for us. Amen.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
March 30th 2010 I am Peter.
Easter is just a couple of days away. I have accomplished two of the important Easter tasks. I have bought candy for my girls and I have bought them each a new outfit for Easter Sunday. I would have thought that by high school they would have outgrown the desire for an Easter outfit but I guess after the long winter we all want a fresh start. Or course in New England we always have age old Easter question of sandels vs. snow boots. You never know what you will need on the bi day so you must find an outfit that works for both.
In my daily readings I have made it through three readings of the crucifiction. Every time I feel so bad for Peter. Every time he denies Christ I wince. I know how he feels. I do it too, every day. Whether it is the tiny gossip I can't resist passing on, the undeserved dig I take at my husband, or those moments that I fall apart forgetting in despair and don't go to my Savior for comfort, I still deny Him, just like Peter.
In my daily readings I have made it through three readings of the crucifiction. Every time I feel so bad for Peter. Every time he denies Christ I wince. I know how he feels. I do it too, every day. Whether it is the tiny gossip I can't resist passing on, the undeserved dig I take at my husband, or those moments that I fall apart forgetting in despair and don't go to my Savior for comfort, I still deny Him, just like Peter.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
March 25th, 2010
Yes, it has been a while since I posted but this doesn't mean I haven't been reading. I have written many posts in my head but have had nearly no time to actually but fingers to keys.
I have been busy driving. Lillian passed her drivers test and has a car. This lead me to believe that my daughter toting days were over. HA! I have two daughters, and they do not have the same schedule. They do leave for school together in one car at 6:40 every morning but that is where their paths diverge. Lillian stays at school until 6 for track practice. Virginia comes home at 1:55. Lil arrives home at 6:30, just minutes after Virginia and I have left for play rehearsal. Play rehearsal last 3-4 hours and then just when it is time to go pick her up, Lillian goes to bed. So that still involves 3 trips to LHS but that is much better than 5. Most of the time my dad is willing to do the 1:55 pickup. Sometimes I stay at the rehearsals and get my Bible reading done.
The funny thing is that the musical is Godspell. Quite often I am reading the passage that they are on the stage rehearsing. Although most of the students are not Christians, it so happens that four of them are and their viewpoints about the musical are quite different. Some are concerned that the musical will be seen as religious when it isn't, it's just a play leave it alone. Others are excited to have an opportunity to share the gospel in a non-threatening way. Some are concerned that the parables are treated as a vaudeville act and is this really OK? At our house we pray that it will all be used to God's glory, Amen.
I have been busy driving. Lillian passed her drivers test and has a car. This lead me to believe that my daughter toting days were over. HA! I have two daughters, and they do not have the same schedule. They do leave for school together in one car at 6:40 every morning but that is where their paths diverge. Lillian stays at school until 6 for track practice. Virginia comes home at 1:55. Lil arrives home at 6:30, just minutes after Virginia and I have left for play rehearsal. Play rehearsal last 3-4 hours and then just when it is time to go pick her up, Lillian goes to bed. So that still involves 3 trips to LHS but that is much better than 5. Most of the time my dad is willing to do the 1:55 pickup. Sometimes I stay at the rehearsals and get my Bible reading done.
The funny thing is that the musical is Godspell. Quite often I am reading the passage that they are on the stage rehearsing. Although most of the students are not Christians, it so happens that four of them are and their viewpoints about the musical are quite different. Some are concerned that the musical will be seen as religious when it isn't, it's just a play leave it alone. Others are excited to have an opportunity to share the gospel in a non-threatening way. Some are concerned that the parables are treated as a vaudeville act and is this really OK? At our house we pray that it will all be used to God's glory, Amen.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
February 28th 2010
I sincerely hope I didn't offend any of my readers (ha!) with my last post. I certainly am not against evangelism, I just worry that we will lose God in the quest for men.
Onto a new topic. One year ago I broke my leg, my knee really. Sometimes I laugh to think back at all that happened. From the taxidermist that came to answer the 911 call to the craziness of bathing in the kitchen sink for 4 months, it was a not an easy time at our house.
There are few things I love more than reading and for months I couldn't read. I'm not sure if it was the percoset, depression or what but I could not read. No matter what interesting books were brought my way I couldn't sustain interest. IT was frustrating. I was able to watch tv and I would lay in my bed and watch several seasons of tv shows on the internet for hours at night when every one else was asleep then I could sleep when I was home alone during the day.
Now I am too busy to read and long for those days of solitude, or scrabble with my sister. Be content. This should be my anthem.
OH! gotta run to the high school and pick up my daughter from play practise, more later I promise!
Onto a new topic. One year ago I broke my leg, my knee really. Sometimes I laugh to think back at all that happened. From the taxidermist that came to answer the 911 call to the craziness of bathing in the kitchen sink for 4 months, it was a not an easy time at our house.
There are few things I love more than reading and for months I couldn't read. I'm not sure if it was the percoset, depression or what but I could not read. No matter what interesting books were brought my way I couldn't sustain interest. IT was frustrating. I was able to watch tv and I would lay in my bed and watch several seasons of tv shows on the internet for hours at night when every one else was asleep then I could sleep when I was home alone during the day.
Now I am too busy to read and long for those days of solitude, or scrabble with my sister. Be content. This should be my anthem.
OH! gotta run to the high school and pick up my daughter from play practise, more later I promise!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
February 20th, 2010
A comment or two about my last post.
I’ve been reading in the OT about making and furnishing of the tabernacle (henceforth referred to as TB). The instructions to make the TB are specific and daunting. Every item in the process is described, the materials, the size, detailing. IT is all there. Every curtain, lampstand and curtain rod are described. The craftsmanship needed to make this was inspired, I mean that literally. God gave the skills to the craftsman (exodus 35:30). Before I got to that verse I was wondering how they were going to be able to make all this stuff so beautifully and intricately carved and forged. The linens were fine and intricately woven. All of it from the rings to hold up the curtains to the cheribum on top of the ark were to be masterpieces. Why? Why all of this when it is in the desert and going to be taken down and moved now and then? Why make a building that contains more than of metric ton of gold and then move it around?
At the same time I am reading about the days leading up to the crucifiction of Christ in the New Testament. The account in Matthew focuses on Christ. His comments about how what is to come will fulfill scripture. When he is praying in the garden and the disciples keep falling asleep. What he is going through as he seeks to do the will of his father.
While I was reading I was thinking about this blog. What can I write about? What is this teaching me about me? That is when I realized that it wasn’t about me! I mean it was because Christ’s dying saved me but it wasn’t in that it is about how Holy God is. God is Holy! All that gold and silver, purple and scarlet linen, curtains and posts and rods was about God. He is SO Holy that even the most beautiful structure can only imitate His holiness. Protecting the people with the curtains, shielding them from God was because he is too Holy to be seen by them. He left HEAVEN to be in a DESERT to be with his people! All that fold and adornment wasn’t to show off but because he is unimaginably Holy. Something of which we cannot wholly conceive.
Nowadays churches spend their time and energy to become “more relevant”. Offer convenient worship times so that we do not need to be put upon. Send the teens to youth groups where we capture their attention with loud music and games. We have multipurpose churches so we do not need to be bored there or our pastors put on performance each week instead of just talking to us about God. He is Holy enough without all this. He is relevant without all of this. He can bring his message to us without the bands, cafes and worship teams. I know there are a million surveys, studies and whatever that prove we need these things to reach the masses but seriously I think we need a rethink.
I’ve been reading in the OT about making and furnishing of the tabernacle (henceforth referred to as TB). The instructions to make the TB are specific and daunting. Every item in the process is described, the materials, the size, detailing. IT is all there. Every curtain, lampstand and curtain rod are described. The craftsmanship needed to make this was inspired, I mean that literally. God gave the skills to the craftsman (exodus 35:30). Before I got to that verse I was wondering how they were going to be able to make all this stuff so beautifully and intricately carved and forged. The linens were fine and intricately woven. All of it from the rings to hold up the curtains to the cheribum on top of the ark were to be masterpieces. Why? Why all of this when it is in the desert and going to be taken down and moved now and then? Why make a building that contains more than of metric ton of gold and then move it around?
At the same time I am reading about the days leading up to the crucifiction of Christ in the New Testament. The account in Matthew focuses on Christ. His comments about how what is to come will fulfill scripture. When he is praying in the garden and the disciples keep falling asleep. What he is going through as he seeks to do the will of his father.
While I was reading I was thinking about this blog. What can I write about? What is this teaching me about me? That is when I realized that it wasn’t about me! I mean it was because Christ’s dying saved me but it wasn’t in that it is about how Holy God is. God is Holy! All that gold and silver, purple and scarlet linen, curtains and posts and rods was about God. He is SO Holy that even the most beautiful structure can only imitate His holiness. Protecting the people with the curtains, shielding them from God was because he is too Holy to be seen by them. He left HEAVEN to be in a DESERT to be with his people! All that fold and adornment wasn’t to show off but because he is unimaginably Holy. Something of which we cannot wholly conceive.
Nowadays churches spend their time and energy to become “more relevant”. Offer convenient worship times so that we do not need to be put upon. Send the teens to youth groups where we capture their attention with loud music and games. We have multipurpose churches so we do not need to be bored there or our pastors put on performance each week instead of just talking to us about God. He is Holy enough without all this. He is relevant without all of this. He can bring his message to us without the bands, cafes and worship teams. I know there are a million surveys, studies and whatever that prove we need these things to reach the masses but seriously I think we need a rethink.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
February 15th 2010
Wow! I can't believe it has been 18 days or so since my last post. I promised to never fall behind again but I have. I am spending Presidents Day catching up.
I may not have been keeping up with my Bible readings but I have done a lot of other things with my time. Of course I have managed to read 4 novels and begin a 5th while not reading my Bible. This is my M.O. I LOVE to read but will always make an excuse to read a novel rather than my Bible. I have not named this blog bibleslacker for nothing!
For the last four weeks our pastor has done a series on "Staying in Love". How to keep your marriage for a lifetime. It culminated on Sunday with a renewal of wedding vows for any couple interested. Let me say, what crazy couple would be the ones to stay in their pews at this invitation? You would look stupid , right? We knew about this ahead of time so I guess anyone who didn't want to could have stayed home. We talked about it together before hand and agreed to go up and do it. It felt weird to talk about it though. Is this something to discuss? Why wouldn't we go up. But seriously, my heart worried a little that Les wouldn't want to do it. It was pretend afterall , so I guess this should be easy. But it wasn't pretend. Here you are before the congregation, standing at the altar, with a minister, holding hands and looking into each others eyes. This is REAL. As you get ready to say your vows you have 24 years of marriage to reflect upon as you promise to stay together for another 24 or more. I think it meant more this time than the first time. I am so glad we had the opportunity. I hope we do it every year. My kids thought our kiss was too long and hard. It is nice to know we can even embarrass them by getting married. :)
I have entered a new phase of having a teenage driver. It is great to send the girls off to school each morning so I can get my exercise in before work. I am even more thankful for my dad who picks Ginny up from school at 2pm. Lil drives herself home at 6 after track practice. Ginny goes back at 6pm for play practice and then gets picked up at 9:30pm. It would be nice if we lived closer than 22 minutes from school. It seems like a hundred miles some times. Every time Lil drives off I have a moment of panic about her safety but I have realized I must get over this because it will happen everyday for years and years. I need to give it up to God, so I have.
In my daily Old Testament readings I am at the part that describes the building of the tabernacle, the furnishings and clothing of Aaron. Pretty boring. I tried to make it a game with my family asking Lil to guess what colors of fabric and stones were used for items. I am impressed that when fleeing Egypt the Israelites must have brought a whole bunch of crafting tools with them. AND they must have been amazing craftsman to make what God specified, unless He gave them special abilities when the time came. Of course due to movies, we think the only thing Israelites can do is make bricks with straw!
I'm going to get back to my reading and add another post for the New Testament stuff. I love some of Jesus' "quips" that guy sure has a way with words.
I may not have been keeping up with my Bible readings but I have done a lot of other things with my time. Of course I have managed to read 4 novels and begin a 5th while not reading my Bible. This is my M.O. I LOVE to read but will always make an excuse to read a novel rather than my Bible. I have not named this blog bibleslacker for nothing!
For the last four weeks our pastor has done a series on "Staying in Love". How to keep your marriage for a lifetime. It culminated on Sunday with a renewal of wedding vows for any couple interested. Let me say, what crazy couple would be the ones to stay in their pews at this invitation? You would look stupid , right? We knew about this ahead of time so I guess anyone who didn't want to could have stayed home. We talked about it together before hand and agreed to go up and do it. It felt weird to talk about it though. Is this something to discuss? Why wouldn't we go up. But seriously, my heart worried a little that Les wouldn't want to do it. It was pretend afterall , so I guess this should be easy. But it wasn't pretend. Here you are before the congregation, standing at the altar, with a minister, holding hands and looking into each others eyes. This is REAL. As you get ready to say your vows you have 24 years of marriage to reflect upon as you promise to stay together for another 24 or more. I think it meant more this time than the first time. I am so glad we had the opportunity. I hope we do it every year. My kids thought our kiss was too long and hard. It is nice to know we can even embarrass them by getting married. :)
I have entered a new phase of having a teenage driver. It is great to send the girls off to school each morning so I can get my exercise in before work. I am even more thankful for my dad who picks Ginny up from school at 2pm. Lil drives herself home at 6 after track practice. Ginny goes back at 6pm for play practice and then gets picked up at 9:30pm. It would be nice if we lived closer than 22 minutes from school. It seems like a hundred miles some times. Every time Lil drives off I have a moment of panic about her safety but I have realized I must get over this because it will happen everyday for years and years. I need to give it up to God, so I have.
In my daily Old Testament readings I am at the part that describes the building of the tabernacle, the furnishings and clothing of Aaron. Pretty boring. I tried to make it a game with my family asking Lil to guess what colors of fabric and stones were used for items. I am impressed that when fleeing Egypt the Israelites must have brought a whole bunch of crafting tools with them. AND they must have been amazing craftsman to make what God specified, unless He gave them special abilities when the time came. Of course due to movies, we think the only thing Israelites can do is make bricks with straw!
I'm going to get back to my reading and add another post for the New Testament stuff. I love some of Jesus' "quips" that guy sure has a way with words.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
January 28th 2010 HEY! HO!! It's time to Partay!

I haven't done my reading for today but I am getting ready to start my other 2010 commitment, exercise.
I used to be thin. I don't think there is a single person I know today, other than Les, who could attest to that fact. I have gained 126lbs since I got married. Some through gluttony some due to over 20 years of steroid use. Every once in a while I remember I DELIVERED a baby weighing 100 lbs less than I weight today! As they say on tv, "Stop the Insanity!!!"
I have new challenges to exercise, like a knee that barely works but that is no excuse. I can still get up and move and I need to get up and move! The kids were joking about my lack of ability to climb stairs. If I can't walk up stairs at 46 what will I be doing when I am 56, 66, 76 or 86? This must change.
I want to be in the physically fit club that all my friends are in. I don't mean the same health club but the feel good look good club.
So I have started with TURBO JAM!!! with Chalene Johnson. She is an unbelievable motivator (almost as good as my friend Tish). This video is so fun that even if I feel terrible when I start I have a big smile on my face when I finish. AND yesterday I felt so good all day I threw in an extra workout in the afternoon. Although it is put out by Beachbody (TM), I don't expect to have one this summer but maybe there will be hope for next year.
For right now I am glad there is no mirror in the room when I do it. I'm sure that I don't look anything like the girls in the video but I am up, moving and jammin' with them. I am still rewiring my brain to get my bad leg up and moving. My legs get confused trying to kick, bend and flex because it has been so long but they are happy to be trying it. In fact, I could probably make a million on the comedy circuit if I made a video of my workouts.
I gotta run because Chalene is waiting for me.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
January 27th 2010
Never again! I will never get that behind again! I had to read for 2 hours today to finally catch up. I’m not sure why I fell behind. Was it the weekend away at camp, getting Virginia ready for midterms, coming face to face with my oldest being a licensed driver or just too many meals to plan and execute.
I had so much to read that I have supplemented my underlining with a highlighter because there are too many passages to remember. I also ended up getting out my Concordia study Bible because I found a few things I needed to clarify.
Old Testament
Firstly, I liked how Joseph took no credit for interpreting dreams. When Pharaoh asks if he can tell him what his dreams mean, Joseph says no but god will give the answer.
Why didn’t Joseph’s brothers or father ever seem concerned about Simeon being left in Egypt in prison? They took grain back to Jacob but didn’t return to Egypt until they ran out and needed more. In the meantime in prison he sat.
Why were shepherds detestable to Egyptians? Did they hate sheep too or just shepherds? (Genesis 46)
Along the way to Egypt with Aaron, God tried to kill Moses (Exodus 4). This was very confusing. My study bible says it was actually his son that he tried to kill because he had not been circumcised. I didn’t remember this passage.
New Testament
In this passage Herod had heard about Jesus and decided he must be John the Baptist. I think it is weird he didn’t seemed surprised that someone could return from the dead.
Matthew 13:14b “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”
Psalms – Who doesn’t like psalms? But there is a whole lot in there about enemies. I’m glad I don’t have as many as David.
Psalm 17:7-9 I really liked this passage, especially the apple of your eye part. It is such a great picture of God’s care for us.
7 Show the wonder of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.
8 Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings ,
9 from the wicked who assail me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me.
Psalms 18:28 You, Lord keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
(I must remember this. I should write it on a wall in my house somewhere.)
Proverbs 4:4-9
Pay attention and gain understanding.
2 I give you sound learning,
so do not forsake my teaching.
3 When I was a boy in my father's house,
still tender, and an only child of my mother,
4 he taught me and said,
"Lay hold of my words with all your heart;
keep my commands and you will live.
5 Get wisdom, get understanding;
do not forget my words or swerve from them.
6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
love her, and she will watch over you.
I had so much to read that I have supplemented my underlining with a highlighter because there are too many passages to remember. I also ended up getting out my Concordia study Bible because I found a few things I needed to clarify.
Old Testament
Firstly, I liked how Joseph took no credit for interpreting dreams. When Pharaoh asks if he can tell him what his dreams mean, Joseph says no but god will give the answer.
Why didn’t Joseph’s brothers or father ever seem concerned about Simeon being left in Egypt in prison? They took grain back to Jacob but didn’t return to Egypt until they ran out and needed more. In the meantime in prison he sat.
Why were shepherds detestable to Egyptians? Did they hate sheep too or just shepherds? (Genesis 46)
Along the way to Egypt with Aaron, God tried to kill Moses (Exodus 4). This was very confusing. My study bible says it was actually his son that he tried to kill because he had not been circumcised. I didn’t remember this passage.
New Testament
In this passage Herod had heard about Jesus and decided he must be John the Baptist. I think it is weird he didn’t seemed surprised that someone could return from the dead.
Matthew 13:14b “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”
Psalms – Who doesn’t like psalms? But there is a whole lot in there about enemies. I’m glad I don’t have as many as David.
Psalm 17:7-9 I really liked this passage, especially the apple of your eye part. It is such a great picture of God’s care for us.
7 Show the wonder of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.
8 Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings ,
9 from the wicked who assail me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me.
Psalms 18:28 You, Lord keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
(I must remember this. I should write it on a wall in my house somewhere.)
Proverbs 4:4-9
Pay attention and gain understanding.
2 I give you sound learning,
so do not forsake my teaching.
3 When I was a boy in my father's house,
still tender, and an only child of my mother,
4 he taught me and said,
"Lay hold of my words with all your heart;
keep my commands and you will live.
5 Get wisdom, get understanding;
do not forget my words or swerve from them.
6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
love her, and she will watch over you.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
January 19th 2010
I must be honest. I have fallen 4 days behind. I plan to make it up tonight and tomorrow. At this point I am reading about Jacob’s return and his meeting with Esau in the OT and I am still in Matthew in the NT.
The OT is a great testament () to how God can use us, sinners. If ever there were fallible, sinning men the OT is full of them. In just the last few days I have read about Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Sara, and Jacob. Not only did Abraham and Sara pretend to be brother and sister, Isaac and Rebekah also told that story. Why? Throughout these passages everyone makes “little” adjustments to what God told them to do. Their motivation seems to come from a sense of safety. They listen to God’s voice in a dream but they still need to help him out a little, or a lot. I guess I know where I learned it from!
Matthew is familiar territory. There are so many well known passages that I have trouble picking any to comment on. I will settle on Matt 10:31. Are not two sparrows are sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
If this is true and I believe it way do I usually feel my value is based upon my weight?
Psalms and Proverbs
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Along time I guess, although the length of time really depends up my faith not God’s provision.
The OT is a great testament () to how God can use us, sinners. If ever there were fallible, sinning men the OT is full of them. In just the last few days I have read about Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Sara, and Jacob. Not only did Abraham and Sara pretend to be brother and sister, Isaac and Rebekah also told that story. Why? Throughout these passages everyone makes “little” adjustments to what God told them to do. Their motivation seems to come from a sense of safety. They listen to God’s voice in a dream but they still need to help him out a little, or a lot. I guess I know where I learned it from!
Matthew is familiar territory. There are so many well known passages that I have trouble picking any to comment on. I will settle on Matt 10:31. Are not two sparrows are sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
If this is true and I believe it way do I usually feel my value is based upon my weight?
Psalms and Proverbs
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Along time I guess, although the length of time really depends up my faith not God’s provision.
Monday, January 11, 2010
January 11, 2010 Fake Post
I'm just checking in to say I am on target and have not given up! I am happy that another friend is on board with the project. Yay Julia! IF you are reading this please feel free to add some comments so I know you are there.
In 2009, my mom read the Bible through using the same program I am using this year. For 2010, she is doing the chronological method. Maybe I will try that next year.
I am hoping to make a deeply insightful post tomorrow about all I have read in the last week. :) See you then.
In 2009, my mom read the Bible through using the same program I am using this year. For 2010, she is doing the chronological method. Maybe I will try that next year.
I am hoping to make a deeply insightful post tomorrow about all I have read in the last week. :) See you then.
Monday, January 4, 2010
January 4th The Flood, Rounding up some disciples
Let's make one thing clear. Please do not think badly of my grammar or spelling. Spelling mistakes are more often from my typing than lack of knowledge. I know spell check exists, I just forget to check before posting.
I am still on target. Today I learned all about the flood. I noticed that in my translation, Genesis 8:11 ends in an exclamation mark. I don't remember many exclamation marks in the Bible. I also noticed that God made the covenant to never again destroy all life on earth with a flood with Noah, his family and all the creatures on the ark. I wonder why he included the animals?
Later in Genesis 10 there is a long passage with genealogies, and the names are funny. IF you know any of the Bible you know that there were no Tiffanys, Brittanys, or Madisons. But still the names are surprising. If you know me well, one thing you know is that I think families should show consistency in naming. Joe and Sue should not name their kids Pierre and Lanae. If the parents have traditional names then so should the kids. my husband and I both have old fashioned names (Leslie and Barbara) (not to mention girly ones) and our children follow suit with old fashioned names(Lillian and virginia).So I find it interesting that brothers names drift from Gomer to Magog to Meshech. Maybe my problem lies with Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. Lillian pointed out that the names would have sounded more normal if they were well know bible characters that were part of well known stories. Although lots of christians name their kids biblical names like Micah and Ruth there are not that many Togarmahs.
Another interesting naming item. Nimrod was Noah's great grandson. He was know as a mighty warrior (Gen 10:8) but we us Nimrod as a name for foolish or nerdy people. How come?
On the NT reading for today, Matthew 4:22 mentions that James and John were in a boat with their father Zebedee. When Jesus called to them they left their father and followed him. We don't hear how Zebedee felt about this event. I like to think this is because if we are following God, doing His will, we don't need to be concerned with what others think about this, just go and do it.
I am still on target. Today I learned all about the flood. I noticed that in my translation, Genesis 8:11 ends in an exclamation mark. I don't remember many exclamation marks in the Bible. I also noticed that God made the covenant to never again destroy all life on earth with a flood with Noah, his family and all the creatures on the ark. I wonder why he included the animals?
Later in Genesis 10 there is a long passage with genealogies, and the names are funny. IF you know any of the Bible you know that there were no Tiffanys, Brittanys, or Madisons. But still the names are surprising. If you know me well, one thing you know is that I think families should show consistency in naming. Joe and Sue should not name their kids Pierre and Lanae. If the parents have traditional names then so should the kids. my husband and I both have old fashioned names (Leslie and Barbara) (not to mention girly ones) and our children follow suit with old fashioned names(Lillian and virginia).So I find it interesting that brothers names drift from Gomer to Magog to Meshech. Maybe my problem lies with Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. Lillian pointed out that the names would have sounded more normal if they were well know bible characters that were part of well known stories. Although lots of christians name their kids biblical names like Micah and Ruth there are not that many Togarmahs.
Another interesting naming item. Nimrod was Noah's great grandson. He was know as a mighty warrior (Gen 10:8) but we us Nimrod as a name for foolish or nerdy people. How come?
On the NT reading for today, Matthew 4:22 mentions that James and John were in a boat with their father Zebedee. When Jesus called to them they left their father and followed him. We don't hear how Zebedee felt about this event. I like to think this is because if we are following God, doing His will, we don't need to be concerned with what others think about this, just go and do it.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Three days of success! Maybe I am not a slacker after all!
I may be jumping the gun here. It is the third day but I have as yet read today's readings. So far I have read Genesis 1-4:25, Matthew 1-3:6, Psalm 1 &2 and Proverbs 1:1-9. None of this is new scripture to me.
I've decided that every day I must underline something from the day's readings. I am trying to be a little investigative and thoughtful here. So far I have these comments.
Day 1 Matthew 1:24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him. I don't know that the angel of the Lord has ever commanded me but God has certainly commanded me to do things. Sometimes rather than command He has given me some excellent ideas. I rarely wake up in the morning and do them. I should work on that.
Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. I can see this happening with this year's project. I am excited!
Proverbs 1:5 let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance. good ideas.
Day 2 Genesis 3:22 He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take from teh tree of life and eat, and live forever. Just today, at church we discussed how our inheritance is eternal life. Then why didn'g God want us to eat of the tree in the garden? Ah, sin. If Adam had eaten from the tree he would have had eternal life separated from God better to wait for our redemption in Christ.
Genesis 4:7 If you do not do what is right, sin, is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.
This is a awesome picture to keep in mind as I leave the house each day.
I've decided that every day I must underline something from the day's readings. I am trying to be a little investigative and thoughtful here. So far I have these comments.
Day 1 Matthew 1:24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him. I don't know that the angel of the Lord has ever commanded me but God has certainly commanded me to do things. Sometimes rather than command He has given me some excellent ideas. I rarely wake up in the morning and do them. I should work on that.
Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. I can see this happening with this year's project. I am excited!
Proverbs 1:5 let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance. good ideas.
Day 2 Genesis 3:22 He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take from teh tree of life and eat, and live forever. Just today, at church we discussed how our inheritance is eternal life. Then why didn'g God want us to eat of the tree in the garden? Ah, sin. If Adam had eaten from the tree he would have had eternal life separated from God better to wait for our redemption in Christ.
Genesis 4:7 If you do not do what is right, sin, is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.
This is a awesome picture to keep in mind as I leave the house each day.
Friday, January 1, 2010
January 1, 2010 (that's twenty ten NOT Two thousand ten)
It is 2:39pm. I have not read anything yet. My new Bible is upstairs next to my bed and my room is a mess so I don't want to go up there. I have already cleaned out my utensil drawers, baking cabinets and refrigerator rather than go upstairs. I KNEW I should have followed my first instinct and started reading two weeks ago when my new Bible came in the mail from CBD. That way I would be ready for the days I didn't follow through.
It's only 2:42pm now, so there is still time.
It's only 2:42pm now, so there is still time.
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